Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First Thursday March 6, 2008

ArtXchange Gallery - "Stitched, Woven, Sewn," an exhibition of textiles from around the world. Fabrics from Laos, Peru, Thailand, tribes of Central Asia, and more are displayed in an interactive and touch-friendly exhibition including photos and stories to bring the fabrics to life for the viewer. Exhibition continues through March 28.

Benham Gallery - Opening reception for “Erotic Beauty,” featuring work by Paul Dahlquist, David Steinberg, Fiona Aboud, and Sean Newman. The artist reception is from 6-8 pm. Join Benham on Saturday, March 8th at 2 pm, for a gallery panel discussion and slide presentation with the artists. Exhibition continues through April 12.

Corridor Gallery - “Always Remember This Place” encaustic and mixed media by Janet Miller (AKA Planet Janet). Janet Miller is a frequent traveler and a collector. She collects tangible items that serve as markers of her intangible experiences, the stories, thoughts, and questions that arise along her journeys. These tangible items, such as maps, books, letters, and flyers, form the foundation on which she builds her work. The result is art that documents and promotes a continuing dialogue between self and others about the world around us. Reception 5-9 pm. March 6 - 30, 2008.

Janet Miller, “I Know that Everything Changes, but this Moment is Perfect”Encaustic, oil paint, graphite, and found objects

D'adamo/Woltz Gallery - Reception for paintings by Alla Goniodsky. "I started my career as a theatre artist and, to a large extent, this is the way I see life. The less obvious visions and impressions of events interest me the most... Multiple layers and different sequences of oil paints, pastels, inks and pencil in a single piece characterize my rather complicated painting techniques."

Foster/White - Join Foster/White for new exhibition featuring artwork by Alden Mason. Mar 6, 2008 - Mar 22, 2008.

Gallery4Culture - The opening of "Old Growth and Used Memories," an exhibition of new sculpture by Seattle artist Jason Wood. Reception 6-8 pm. March 6 - 28, 2008.

Gallery 110 - "The Grief Series,” a collection of acrylic paintings and collages by Pacific Northwest artist Dixie Parker-Fairbanks. Widow of renowned ceramicist Richard Fairbanks, Parker-Fairbanks created this body of work in the last decade in response to her husband’s tragic death in 1989. This exhibit will also include select major pieces by Richard, whose works have been exhibited internationally. March 5-29, 2008.

Gallery IMA - For the month of March, Gallery IMA is pleased to announce the opening of “Juxtapositions,” new mixed media works by Cory Peeke, and “Garden Virtue,” oil and charcoal paintings by John Paul Schafer. Cory Peeke’s latest series of collages and wall pieces juxtaposes appropriated images acquired from found photography, art historical masterworks, vintage illustration, and the Internet with one another to explore the physical manifestations of masculinity. In response to our ailing environment, John Paul Schafer’s inspiration for his ‘modern botanical studies’ came from an assortment of bones, pods, insects and plants gathered from the artist’s backyard, nearby parks and nature trails. Also on display is a site-specific installation in Gallery III, by Carol Milne. March 6 – 30, 2008.

John Paul Schafer, Silent, oil & charcoal on panel, 24"x24" inches.

Greg Kucera Gallery - "Burpee Garden Revisited," artwork by Alden Mason. March 6 - March 29, 2008. Opening 6-8 pm.

Grover/Thurston Gallery - An exhibition of acclaimed Seattle artist Fay Jones. Exhibition continues through March 29, 2008.

La Familia – Michelle Anderst exhibits “Drugs and Social Network,” the artists homage to the Seattle coffee shop scene. Anderst salutes Seattle's Independent Coffee Shop in her Installation work featuring two-dimensional pieces with a "three-dimensional" experience. The paintings come alive, making it feel as if a coffee shop has been cut-out of its typical setting to be placed inside the gallery. Every image in the show is a representation of those things found in actual coffee shops in Seattle, including All City Coffee and Espresso Vavace. Runs through March 31.

Pratt Gallery at Tashiro Kaplan - “Print Zero Studios 5th Print Exchange .” The exhibition features 291 5x7-inch prints from artists in 17 countries. Eight instructors from Pratt Fine Arts Center are included in the show: Kamla Kakaria, Rickie Wolfe, Abraham Mong, Lisa Hasegawa, Kim VanSomeren, Eric Chamberlain, Theresa Neinas, and Kerstin Graudins. These artists of varying backgrounds each bring a unique perspective on print and together comprise a wide variety of printmaking techniques. The exhibition runs March 6th-30th with the opening from 6-8pm.

Kamla Kakaria, Untitled, 2007, shellac plate print

Punch Gallery – “Safe and Sound.” Howard Barlow’s new body of work, Safe and Sound, is cold and unfriendly yet formal and safely non-objective with evidence of an obviously dangerous past. Borrowing from a hospital aesthetic, Barlow aims to bridge the gap between conceptions of stability and volatility. Utilizing institutional powder-coat colors, gun-barrel patina finishes, recycled bullet-lead solder, reconstructed broken window panes, wool yarn, abused steel, and actions such as knitting, hacking, shooting, shattering, and leading glass, this body of work explores the symbiotic relationships of danger and safety, vulnerability and protection. Reception 5-8 pm. Exhibit continues through March 30.

Seattle Art Museum – In addition to being free on First Thursdays, the Seattle Art Museum can be experienced in a new way with PDL's “Unauthorized Audio Tour” of the Seattle Art Museum’s permanent collection. There are twenty-two tracks in total, all approaching works within the museum and offering a great range of perspective, truth and humor. Their limited addition of 50 recordings quickly sold out, but during the First Thursday PDL will be loitering in the lobby of SAM from 5:00 till closing, offering portable audio devices for free, to all who care to see SAM's permanent collection in an all together different light. Look for the guys in the turquoise blazers with their initials embroidered on the front, looking awkward and suspect.

Shift Collaborative Studio – “A Brief Walk on the Edge” exhibiting welded steel sculptures and a light box installation by June Sekiguchi. Using pattern in a continuation of her conceptual ideas of cultural and personal identity, pattern is brought to its most elemental, workable form and fabrication techniques while still working toward conveying her interest in layering pattern in a new way that the medium allows. The work in the exhibition have a common characteristic in that they are sectional pieces that combine to form the larger piece and can be reconfigured in a variety of ways significantly altering the design. Sekiguchi will be reconfiguring the work during the opening reception as well as each week of the exhibition. Reception 5-8 pm. Exhibit continues through March 29.

June Sekiguchi, Detail of "Octogon," 2008

SOIL - Opening reception for “New Members Show 2008” featuring work by four of SOIL's newest additions: Nola Avienne, Vesna Pavlovic, Renée Rhodes and Adam Satushek. This diverse group of artists will add fresh new perspectives to the SOIL collective. New works in photography, installation, video, sculpture and drawing will be exhibited. Opening 6-9 pm. March 6–30, 2008.

Some Space Gallery - Showing March 3rd - 28th, “Fake Glass Buoys,” recent work by Banjamin Hanawalt. Using collage as a blueprint for his oil paintings, Benjamin Hanawalt's compositions of shapes, figures, color and, most recently, an endless array of buoys, provide viewers a sense of escape. The buoys, each unique in size, shape and color, and lovingly rendered in muted tones, offer a familiarity by which to return. Opening reception 6-9 pm.

Wall Space - New show, “Introspection", showcases photographer Susan Burnstine’s newest body of work, Between, as well as her award winning series, On Waking Dreams. Susan’s images compel us to look to the place where reality ends and dreams begin, where we look into ourselves to find who we are and who we want to be. Artist reception 6-8 pm. Exhibition continues through April 5.

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