Wednesday, August 15
Henry Art Gallery – “A Sense of Where We Are II” lecture series continues with Marilynne Robinson, 2005 Pulitzer Prize award winning author of fiction including 'Gilead' and 'Housekeeping,' considered one of the leading novels of the last century. The program starts at 7 pm and is free to the public.
Thursday, August 16
The monthly Tacoma Third Thursday Artwalk, from 5-8 pm. Besides openings and events at participating galleries, The Tacoma Art Museum is free all day and the Museum of Glass is free during the artwalk.
City Hall – “Traffic Jam: a Hip Hop and Spoken Word Mash-Up,” a mix of hip-hop wordsmiths, poets, and performance artists, including MC Gabriel Teodros with DJ-WD4D, two-time Individual World Poetry Slam Champion Buddy Wakefield, poetry slam diva Melissa Noelle Green, and Seattle Poet Populist Jourdan Keith. Free snacks, 5-7 pm at City Hall Plaza at 600 4th Ave.
Twilight Artist Collective – work by Joshua Westfall @ Oliver's Twist (6822 Greenwood Ave. N Seattle, WA) Happy Hour Opening Party with treats and cocktails, 5-7 pm.
work by Joshua Westfall, showing at Oliver's Twist
Seattle Art Museum – “Poetry Night,” featuring a variety of spoken word poets and local literary figures, 5-9 pm at SAM’s Brotman Forum. Free and open to the public.
Lawrimore Project – A whole evening of entertainment at Lawrimore Project - "Ann Mathern - Moses Lake,” new photographs, film and a *special live installation* Thursday night only – including a performance by fantasy metal band Doomhawk. The live installation begins at 8 pm sharp and will be ‘very loud.’ Also opening, “Perfect Landscape: Painting Broken Down,” a group exhibition curated by Kyle Bain featuring Leo Saul Berk [courtesy of Howard House Gallery], Bradley Biancardi, Cris Bruch, Buddy Bunting, Tim Cross, Blake Haygood, Olga Koumoundouros, Susie J. Lee, and Alex Schweder.
Bird, 2007, archival inkjet print by Anne Mathern, opening at Lawrimore Project
Friday, August 17
FYI – Deadline for the 29th Annual Betty Bowen Memorial Award for Artists Call for Artists, open to visual artists who live in Washington, Oregon, or Idaho.
Saturday, August 18
Henry Art Gallery – "An-My Le: Small Wars" opens today, exhibiting two photographic series by An-My Lê that explore the military conflicts that have framed the last half-century of American history, the war in Vietnam and the current war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Le’s photographs explore battle re-enactments and training camps – dramatizations of war – processing concepts of violence and war in a more thoughtful, psychological way than the overtly shocking documentary photography we now associate with war. The Henry is free to the public through Labor Day.

An-My Lê. 29 Palms: Night Operations III, showing at the Henry Art Gallery
La Familia Gallery - "Chasing Tales" Book Launch. Join La Familia for the release of ‘Chasing Tales,’ a tale of wanderlust and self-discovery by gallery director Lanae Rivers-Woods. Food, wine, live music, author readings, and book-signing. 7 pm.
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